“Every Christian is called to be a missionary and witness to Christ. And the Church, the community of Christ’s disciples, has no other mission than that of bringing the Gospel to the entire world by bearing witness to Christ. To evangelize is the very identity of the Church.” - Pope Francis

Embracing the spirit of the Church Synod on Synodality—focused on communion, participation, and mission—we answer Pope Francis’ clarion call for the Church to exemplify a vibrant community of missionary disciples, as echoed in his encyclical "The Joy of the Gospel." Building upon the momentum of last year’s theme, “A Heart that Beats for Mission,” and under this year’s fiesta theme, “Cultivating a Community of Missionary Disciples,” we celebrate 83 years of the Sacred Heart Parish Shrine as a missionary church under the stewardship of the SVD missionaries.

Experience the joy of the liturgy and sacraments in which we encounter God's presence and love.